• The Magpie Dance part 2

    A stark reminder https://dancingwithmagpies.wordpress.com/2020/01/26/the-magpie-dance/ A pretty scary brush with a magpie this man had in Melbourne, Victoria where this seems as common as it is in Queensland. Makes me wonder if for some of us this may be another reason for lock down? Read more

  • Trompe-l’œil again

    Many who have ever visited Hobart in Tasmania will have stumbled across this little one on the walk from Salamanca Place up the hill to Battery Point Read more

  • Tasmania, Feb 2020 Water – so clear. An astonishing national park about an hours drive out of Hobart. Echidna or Spiny Anteater. The cutest little mammal who, along with the platypus are the only living mammals to lay eggs (Mount Field National Park). This little chap is called a Pademelon, a small forest dwelling marsupial… Read more

  • Brisbane October 12, 2020 While the newly fledged offspring is trying out its wings, its parent is rushing around arranging dinner. Having found a yummy skink, the butcherbird prepares dinner in the comparative privacy of the carport, and now follows the offspring around like a helicopter parent with eats. A bit like mum pitching up… Read more

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