• Lockyer Valley

    Lockyer Valley, Country Queensland, Australia July, 2013 (Wordless Friday) Read more


    It’s only about an hour out of Brisbane and it’s a gorgeous little getaway Positioned in what’s known as South East Queensland’s Scenic Rim, Tamborine Mountain rises to an altitude of about 525 metres and is therefore at least a couple of degrees cooler than the cities of Gold Coast and Brisbane. It has a… Read more


    THE BOARDWALK TO SOUTH BANK You get onto the boardwalk just outside the GOMA building. Below: Watch out! There are people out there who commute using just one wheel. Apart from the one wheeled wonders, electric scooters and electric bikes predominate along with muscle powered ones. Its a great walking and cycle route if you… Read more

  • Walk This Way (part 3)

    A walking tour of Brisbane. GOMA Below: Masked up and pre-booked. Gallery goers line up in 2021 when the European masterpieces from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York came to GOMA in Brisbane. Below: This Neon sign is not always recognised as an actual art installation outside the Gallery of Modern Art. It… Read more

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