• The Mandatory Magpie

    Since the rains came these guys have been out and about and strutting their stuff across the lawns where there is a lot of earthworm activity. Aloof as always. In the park down the road, this tree is looking great but has lost some limbs (as the poinciana / flamboyant trees are prone to do… Read more

  • Thursday doors

    A town in Victoria called Clunes (pop 1728) in on an extremely hot Sunday. Parts of the 1979 movie Mad Max were apparently filmed around this town. The other two are Tasmanian doors. I did a lot of walking around Hobart because parking is unbelievably expensive and parking restrictions are enforced ruthlessly. Also, I knew… Read more

  • A bad day at the office.

    I wondered why so many people were gathered outside our local metro train station last week. A bit further down the road I discovered why. A metro bus stuck under a low clearance rail bridge. Of course all train travel suspended on the line until the engineers were able to check the integrity of the… Read more

  • The Streets of Brisbane

    thanks to https://lindaghill.com/category/one-liner-wednesday/ #1linerWeds Like a chicken carcass after Sunday roast for a family of seven. Read more

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